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In a rarely visited part of the state and surrounded by lush pine-oak habitats that characterize this part of the Apache-Sitegreaves National Forest. At 5,780 feet above sea level it is a cool respite from the desert heat.
The landscape along this road is dotted with scrub oaks, piñon pines and agaves then dramatically shifts to a forest of pine trees.  It is a good place to look for mountain warblers.

Know Before You Go

Arizona is a vast state with many different environments. Much of the state is dominated by desert, areas that oftentimes have little water and even less shade. Check out our recommendations for hiking precautions.

Bridled Titmouse – Mick Thompson

Knowing more about where to look, how to look and what you are looking for in a given environment can greatly enhance your wildlife watching experience

Grand Canyon

Part of what makes Arizona an exceptional birding destination is the diverse landscapes found throughout the state. 

Red-faced Warbler – Lois Manowitz

Arizona is home to an astounding diversity of birds, making our state truly a world-class birding destination. 

Gila Woodpecker – Mick Thompson

The Arizona Birding Trail is a partnership between these organizations, each of which is dedicated to the conservation of Arizona’s wildlife.

Hummingbirds of Arizona

Hummingbirds are only found in the Western Hemisphere and Arizona hosts over a dozen different species. Learn more about these amazing birds and the best places to view them up close!

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