Boyce Thompson Arboretum
Boyce Thompson Arboretum is one of the best birding sites in Arizona and is listed as an Important Bird Area. As an arboretum, Boyce Thompson offers a variety of habitats, from manicured desert gardens to ponds lined with lush greenery. The result is a paradise for all kinds of birds and other wildlife, especially hummingbirds. Walking paths are found throughout the site, as well as a plant nursery, and gift shop. Check the Arboretum’s website below for occasional special events.
Site Information
Region: Phoenix and Central
County: Pinal
Directions: Located a few miles west of Superior, just off of Hwy 60.
Latitude: 33.280124
Longitude: -111.159156
Operational Hours: Other
Other Operational Hours: Summer Hours (May thru September) open daily 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with last admission at 2 p.m. Winter hours (October thru April) open daily 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with last admission at 4 p.m.
Admission or Fees: General admission - $24.95; Children (Ages 5-12) - $10; Members & Children under 5 - Free
Best time to visit: Year-round
Habitats: Desert, Marsh or Wetland, Lake or Pond, Urban or Suburban park
Know Before You Go
Thanks to its mix of habitats, both native and non-native, the Arboretum is one of the best birding sites in Arizona and is listed as an Important Bird Area. Check out the pond and surrounding wetlands for common gallinule, pied-billed grebe, and ring-necked duck. Unique summer visitors might include blue grosbeak, purple martin, and western tanager. Some favorite winter visitors include rufous-backed robin, orange-crowned warbler, hermit thrush, and ruby-crowned kinglet.
Safety First! Arizona has many beautiful places to explore and we’d like to help you make it a safe and enjoyable experience. Check out our recommendations for hiking precautions.
Species Highlights
Speciality: Canyon Wren, Costa’s Hummingbird, Hooded Oriole, Pyrrhuloxia
Charismatic: Greater Roadrunner, Summer Tanager
Contact Information
Boyce Thompson Arboretum
37615 E. Arboretum Way
Superior, AZ 85713
Phone: 520-689-2723
Website: https://www.btarboretum.org/
Additional Resources
Learn more about birds reported at this location at eBird:
Additional Resources:
Pinal County Birding Trail
Pinal County