Elden Spring
A pleasant and convenient spot to bird in town along the southern base of Mount Elden. Many trails traverse the area. Habitat is dry with large cliffrose, pinyon, and juniper, with some small rocky draws at the base of the mountain. Also some early settler history in the area; keep your eyes out for interpretive signs.
Site Information
Region: Northern
County: Coconino
Directions: One way to access this area is to park on N Lugano Way and look for a public trail access between two houses at the north end of the cul-de-sac.
Latitude: 35.226
Longitude: -111.602
Operational Hours: Open all year, 24 hours a day
Admission or Fees: None
Best time to visit: Year-round
Habitats: Pinyon-juniper Forest, Pine-oak Forest
Know Before You Go
Safety First! Arizona has many beautiful places to explore and we’d like to help you make it a safe and enjoyable experience. Check out our recommendations for hiking precautions.
Species Highlights
Speciality: Acorn Woodpecker, Black-throated Gray Warbler, Canyon Wren, Grace’s Warbler, Pinyon Jay, Red Crossbill, Red-faced Warbler, Virginia’s Warbler, Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay
Charismatic: Lesser Goldfinch, Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Contact Information
Coconino National Forest
5075 N. Highway 89
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
Phone: 928-526-0866
Website: https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/coconino/recarea/?recid=55126
Additional Resources
Learn more about birds reported at this location at eBird: