Phon D. Sutton
This lush area is outstanding for birding and the mile-long entrance is a good starting point. The site is where the Salt and Verde Rivers meet and is popular with desert and winter migrating birds. There is a nature trail (Lower Salt River Nature Trail) that can easily be completed as a loop and is accessed west of the main parking lot. This trail will take the birder through lower Sonoran desert habitat with many stands of mesquite, as well as access to the river.
Winter specialties include Bridled Titmouse and Black-throated Gray Warbler. Desert nesting Bald Eagles are seen flying over the area.
Site Information
Region: Phoenix and Central
County: Maricopa
Directions: From Mesa, travel 7 miles east on the Superstition Freeway (US 60) to Power Road /Bush Highway/Forest Road (FR) 204 and turn north. Follow Bush Highway for 9 miles to FR 169, and turn left. Follow FR 169 for 1 mile to the site. The entire route is paved. The turn off is between mile markers 24 and 25.
Latitude: 33.54611
Longitude: -111.65944
Operational Hours: Open all year, 24 hours a day
Admission or Fees: $8 Tonto Daily Pass required; also accepts Discovery Pass, America the Beautiful pass
Best time to visit: Spring, Winter, Fall
Habitats: Desert, Stream or river
Know Before You Go
Extremely busy on weekends during the summer as it is an entry/exit point for river tubing.
Safety First! Arizona has many beautiful places to explore and we’d like to help you make it a safe and enjoyable experience. Check out our recommendations for hiking precautions.
Species Highlights
Speciality: Abert’s Towhee, Bridled Titmouse, Black-throated Gray Warbler, Canyon Wren, Costa’s Hummingbird, Elf Owl, Gilded Flicker, Harris’s Hawk, Hooded Oriole, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Lucy’s Warbler
Charismatic: American Kestrel, Anna’s Hummingbird, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Black-throated Sparrow, Brown-crested Flycatcher, Cactus Wren, Curve-billed Thrasher, Gambel’s Quail, Gila Woodpecker, Greater Roadrunner, Lesser Goldfinch, Lesser Nighthawk, Loggerhead Shrike, Phainopepla, Ruby-crowned Kinglet , Summer Tanager, Verdin, Vermilion Flycatcher, Western Kingbird, White-winged Dove, Yellow-headed Blackbird
Contact Information
Tonto National Forest - Mesa Ranger District
US Forest Service
5140 E Ingram Street
Mesa, AZ 85205
Phone: 480-610-3300
Website: https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/tonto/recarea/?recid=35397
Additional Resources
Learn more about birds reported at this location at eBird:
Additional Resources:
AllTrails-Lower Salt River Nature Trail