Picketpost Trailhead
This section of the Arizona Trail meanders through a mix of Sonoran desert scrub and interior chaparral, making for a unique combination of habitats, with low and sparse vegetation, rolling hills and fantastic scenery. The drive to the site takes you along the Gila-Pinal Scenic Highway (Highway 60). A mix of desert scrub and chaparral attracts a variety of birds found in open areas. Be on the lookout for American kestrel, common raven, cactus wren, and Say’s phoebe. Common woodpecker species include ladder-backed woodpecker, Gila woodpecker, along with gilded flicker and northern flicker. Other highlights found throughout the year include ruby-crowned kinglet, Gambel’s quail, black-tailed gnatcatcher, and black-throated sparrow.
Site Information
Region: Phoenix and Central
County: Pinal
Directions: Turn off for Picketpost Trailhead is located near mile marker 222 on the south side of Highway 60. Trailhead is about 0.7 miles from this turnoff. Dirt roads are passable for non-4WD drive vehicles although some areas may be impassable following rain events. The trailhead is a large parking area with restrooms. The main trail heads in a north-south direction.
Latitude: 33.272594
Longitude: -111.176553
Operational Hours: Open all year, 24 hours a day
Admission or Fees: None
Best time to visit: Spring, Fall, Winter
Habitats: Desert
Know Before You Go
Lots of sun exposure on the trail.
Safety First! Arizona has many beautiful places to explore and we’d like to help you make it a safe and enjoyable experience. Check out our recommendations for hiking precautions.
Species Highlights
Speciality: Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Mexican Jay
Charismatic: American Kestrel, Gambel’s Quail, Lesser Nighthawk
Contact Information
Tonto National Forest
US Forest Service
2324 E. McDowell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85006
Phone: 602-225-5200
Website: https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/tonto/recarea/?recid=35345
Additional Resources
Learn more about birds reported at this location at eBird:
Additional Resources:
Arizona Trail-Passage 17