Woodland Lake Park
Woodland Lake Park is predominantly ponderosa pine interspersed with Gambel oak and juniper. The damming of Walnut Creek creates Woodland Lake, which harbors open water, cattails, and other wetland vegetation. There are numerous trails in the park, and all are easy and accessible. The trail that goes around the lake is paved and mobility accessible. It is 1.02 miles in circumference, and popular with visitors, hikers, birders, sightseers, and people walking their dogs. This is a reliable site to see Lewis’s Woodpeckers.
Site Information
Region: Northern
County: Navajo
Directions: Woodland Lake is located just west of White Mountain Blvd. in Pinetop. Turn south on Woodland Lake Road from Rt. 260, White Mountain Boulevard, and drive about 1/4 mile to one of two entrances to the park.
Latitude: 34.1278
Longitude: -109.9527
Operational Hours: Open all year, dawn til dusk
Admission or Fees: None
Best time to visit: Year-round, but best in spring, summer, and fall
Habitats: Lake or Pond, Pinyon-juniper Forest, Pine-oak Forest
Know Before You Go
Safety First! Arizona has many beautiful places to explore and we’d like to help you make it a safe and enjoyable experience. Check out our recommendations for hiking precautions.
Species Highlights
Speciality: Acorn Woodpecker, Juniper TItmouse, Red Crossbill
Charismatic: American Kestrel, Lesser Goldfinch, Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Contact Information
Town of Pinetop/Lakeside
325 W White Mountain Boulevard
Lakeside, AZ 85929
Phone: 928-368-8696
Website: https://www.pinetoplakesideaz.gov/facilities/facility/details/Woodland-Lake-Park-3
Additional Resources
Learn more about birds reported at this location at eBird:
Additional Resources:
Trail maps and more information
White Mountain Audubon Birding Hotspots