Yaki Point
In Grand Canyon National Park, Yaki Point is the only scenic viewpoint on Desert View Drive that is not accessible with a private vehicle. It can be reached using the free Kaibab/Rim Route (Orange) shuttle, departing from Grand Canyon Visitor Center. A popular view for sunset and sunrise, the lack of private vehicles provides a bit more solitude than other canyon vistas.
The Grand Canyon cliff promontories function as important air space of a major migratory corridor for raptors. Up to 19 species have been recorded at least once, and 10,000 to 12,000 individuals average per fall migration season. Two to three nest sites for the endangered California Condor are documented within the canyon. Bald Eagles fish the trout rich waters of the Colorado River in the winter.
Part of the Grand Canyon National Park Important Bird Area (IBA).
Site Information
Region: Northern
County: Coconino
Directions: To visit the South Rim of the Grand Canyon where Yaki Points is located, take I-17 North to Flagstaff and then take Highway 89 North to just before Cameron and take State road 64 West to the Park.
Latitude: 36.027
Longitude: -112.186
Operational Hours: Open all year, 24 hours a day
Admission or Fees: $35.00 per vehicle, $70.00 annual pass, or America the Beautiful Pass
Best time to visit: Fall and Spring
Habitats: Desert, Pinyon-juniper Forest
Know Before You Go
Safety First! Arizona has many beautiful places to explore and we’d like to help you make it a safe and enjoyable experience. Check out our recommendations for hiking precautions.
Species Highlights
Rare: California Condor
Speciality: Acorn Woodpecker, Black-throated Gray Warbler, Juniper TItmouse, Lucy’s Warbler, Olive Warbler, Zone-tailed Hawk
Charismatic: American Kestrel, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Lesser Goldfinch, Loggerhead Shrike, Western Kingbird
Contact Information
Grand Canyon National Park
National Park Service
PO Box 129
Grand Canyon, AZ 86023
Phone: 928-638-7888
Website: https://www.nps.gov/places/000/yaki-point.htm
Additional Resources
Learn more about birds reported at this location at eBird:
Additional Resources:
Birding in the Grand Canyon"
Arizona Important Bird Area Program
Grand Canyon HawkWatch