Rogers Lake
An ephemeral high-altitude wetland surrounded by pine and aspen forest. This mile-wide lake does not have water present year-round. It attracts an array of water and upland birds
Rogers Lake
An ephemeral high-altitude wetland surrounded by pine and aspen forest. This mile-wide lake does not have water present year-round. It attracts an array of water and upland birds
Stoneman Lake
This natural medium-sized high altitude lake is in a beautiful, secluded setting in the Coconino National Forest.
West Fork of Oak Creek
A trailhead from which one can explore the beautiful and unique west fork of Oak Creek and Oak Creek Canyon.
Anderson Mesa Station
An Arizona Important Bird Area, containing many ephemeral wetlands of varying sizes. Various habitats including coniferous & deciduous trees, shrubs, small canyons, open grasslands, seasonal marsh wetlands, and shallow wet meadows.
Ashurst Lake
This small, high-altitude manmade lake attracts a wide variety of resident and migrant birds including water and upland birds.
Cataract Lake
Near Williams, this lake is a popular fishing and picnicking spot, and offers water and upland birding.
Cave Springs Campground
A heavily wooded, lush riparian zone in Oak Creek Canyon that is a shady, pleasant place to bird.
Flagstaff Arboretum
An excellent place to see species characteristic of the Flagstaff area at this elevation of the Colorado Plateau.
Garland Prairie
A unique spot, being a very large open meadow surrounded by ponderosa pine forest, and thus many opportunities for spotting grassland and meadow-associated bird.
Kachina Wetlands
A series of ponds and habitat at a water treatment plant creates one of the top birding spots in Coconino County and is a must-visit. Many aquatic rarities stop over here every year.
Lake Mary
This area attracts a variety of water birds and raptors throughout the year, and often interesting migrants in their season. The two lakes are easily viewed from Lake Mary Road along the northeastern side.
Marshall Lake
The high-altitude lake with lots of emergent vegetation is a beautiful spot to find water and marsh birds, and migrants will stop over here in their season as well.
Mormon Lake
This large, natural lake about a half-hour drive south of Flagstaff attracts a large variety of birds and mammals. The water in the lake, if any, depends on the time of year and recent precipitation.
An ephemeral high-altitude wetland surrounded by pine and aspen forest. This mile-wide lake does not have water present year-round. It attracts an array of water and upland birds
This natural medium-sized high altitude lake is in a beautiful, secluded setting in the Coconino National Forest.
A trailhead from which one can explore the beautiful and unique west fork of Oak Creek and Oak Creek Canyon.
An Arizona Important Bird Area, containing many ephemeral wetlands of varying sizes. Various habitats including coniferous & deciduous trees, shrubs, small canyons, open grasslands, seasonal marsh wetlands, and shallow wet meadows.
This small, high-altitude manmade lake attracts a wide variety of resident and migrant birds including water and upland birds.
Near Williams, this lake is a popular fishing and picnicking spot, and offers water and upland birding.
A heavily wooded, lush riparian zone in Oak Creek Canyon that is a shady, pleasant place to bird.
An excellent place to see species characteristic of the Flagstaff area at this elevation of the Colorado Plateau.
A unique spot, being a very large open meadow surrounded by ponderosa pine forest, and thus many opportunities for spotting grassland and meadow-associated bird.
A series of ponds and habitat at a water treatment plant creates one of the top birding spots in Coconino County and is a must-visit. Many aquatic rarities stop over here every year.
This area attracts a variety of water birds and raptors throughout the year, and often interesting migrants in their season. The two lakes are easily viewed from Lake Mary Road along the northeastern side.
The high-altitude lake with lots of emergent vegetation is a beautiful spot to find water and marsh birds, and migrants will stop over here in their season as well.
This large, natural lake about a half-hour drive south of Flagstaff attracts a large variety of birds and mammals. The water in the lake, if any, depends on the time of year and recent precipitation.
The Arizona Birding Trail is a network of more than 300 birding and watchable wildlife sites across the state. Whether you are a newcomer or an experienced birder, the Arizona Birding Trail is your guide to adventure!
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